The original key elements of the bus, the steering wheel and the driver seat are still kept intact, to let the children interact with the same. The external open air theatre and the deck is designed to host several formal as well as informal events for both students and teachers.
The structure is used as a breakout space and congregation space for students and teachers. The visitors and parents come to visit the gallery and the architecture as the concept of a bus as a building is very unique to them. It brings them back to their roots.
A play area, an open air theater, a gallery and above all a symbol that inculcates the importance of reuse and up-cycling in the students so their vision for tomorrow can be driven towards a sustainable future.
The roof of the bus was converted into a deck which was accessible with steps that also formed a small Open Air Theatre. The deck was inspired by the curiosity of kids and adults alike, focusing on how they felt to stand on top of a bus.